NextGen Synthesis

7th of September - Joseph Jacobson (MIT) Recordings

PDF slides

Reading assignment to prepare for lecture

Software needed for the homework assignments

Hardware needed for the homework assignments

Bio Materials needed for the homework assignments

Quantity Item Cost Vendor
4 oligos Good/bad forward and reverse primers $26.64 IDT
3 gBlocks Gene fragments for Golden Gate assembly of RFP $267.00 IDT
1 (10 reactions) Gibson Assembly® Master Mix (E2611S) $159.00 NEB
1 order (200 units) Vent® (exo-) DNA Polymerase (M0257S) $67.00 NEB
1 order (100 units) Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (M0530S) $106.00 NEB
1 order (50ug) pUC19 Vector (N3041S) $68.00 NEB
1 order (400uL) SYBR® Safe DNA Gel Stain $68.00 ThermoFisher
1 order (5mL) DNA Gel Loading Dye (6X) $37.60 ThermoFisher
1 order (250ug) GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Ladder $136.00 ThermoFisher
1 order (100ug) UltraPure™ Agarose $172.00 ThermoFisher

For questions about the homework, please contact Noah Jakimo - njakimo (at)

Homework Assignment #1: Primer design to linearize plasmid backbone

Homework Assignment #2: Build a gene from shorter gene synthesis fragments

To pass this class, complete theory assignment from homework 1 and 2 - experiments are optional (but recommended).

Remarks on Completing Homework